Commission Info

I'll draw something for you in my art style.

Type & Price

If it's not your first time commissioning on me, congrats! you got 10% discount!

TypeLineart OnlyFull Render
Head shot$8$20
Bust up$10$30
Half body$12$40
Knee up$15$50
Chibi Icon-$10
Chibi Full body$10$25

Note : $1 = IDR 5k

Prices not additional stuff and more detailed character.
Additional stuff (ex. Animal, Weapon, Doll, etc.) cost $5-$10 per one additional stuff.
But, if there 1 only additional stuff, it's free.
Detailed character (ex. genshin chara) cost $5-$20.
Additional character cost 2x from base price.
Detailed background Illustration currently unavailable.
Simple background are free (ex flat colour or flat shape).

What do you get from my commission?

Unwatermarked PNG image
Transparent PNG image
Sometimes I add some bonuses like another expressions, simple chibi, etc.

Commission Samples

My art style may be change once, you can see my current art style on my newest post on twitter/insta.

Terms of Service

The base prices is for Personal use only.
Commercial use (ex. yt banner, discord layout, MV artwork, etc.) it's cost 2x from original price.
Please tell me your commission type are commercial use or personal use first!

I drawI wouldn't draw
Original Character (OC)NSFW/18+
FanartHard Gore
-Old people
-Detailed Background

I have the rights to decline anything that I do not feel comfortable in doing.
Tell me if you don't want your commission published.
Payment only through Paypal (USD) and ShopeePay (IDR)
All commissions are non-refundable, unless I haven't started on the commission yet.
You have right to ask me about commission progress.
It takes 3 days - 2 week/illustration for finish depending on the queue.

How to order?

Just DM me through my twitter/instagram, links on first page. Don't worry, my DMs are open for everyone~
Don't just say "Hi" or "Hello" just straight to the point.

Give me your character references, more than 1 if you have. And the pose refference too if you want me make them like what you want.
Tell me all the details of your character, including their personality so I can adjust their poses and expressions if you don't have a pose reference.
After we agree with it, then the payment progress.
Payment upfront then I'll start sketching according to queue.
If there is no response for 2 days for payment, then you will lose your slot.
Thankyou for come to my carrd! Hope you Interested ( •̀ ω •́ )y